Blowing Up The Inbox: A New Email Approach That Converts And Builds Your Brand With Cameron Cegala From AdKaddy [AMP 143]

- Mergers, Acquisitions, and Entrepreneurship: Hyper-focused to multi-functions
- AdKaddy: Addresses interruption caused by abundant advertising
- Why not unsubscribe? Fear of missing out (FOMO) and love for brands
- Control communication process by conveniently receiving messages
- Content vs. Context: Shoppers want coupons, others want brand’s backstory
- AdKaddy: Organizes everything by brand and automatically sorts related emails
- State of Mind: Discovery process of feeding people ads is interruptive
- Email Marketing: Broken model and better ways to communicate with customers
- Connecting Consumers and Brands: Sweepstakes, earned media, Facebook ads
- Getting Started on a Small Budget: Be thoughtful about where to put dollars
- Google Drive, Trello, Slack: Leverage tools and strengths to stay on task
- Advice for Entrepreneurs: Be comfortable feeling out of your league; and learn from others
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- AdKaddy
- AMP 141: A Marketing Rebellion: Why The Most Human Company Wins With Mark Schaefer Author of Marketing Rebellion
- Google Drive
- Trello
- Slack
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Quotes by Cameron Cegala:
- “I have this really big passion for brands and for consumers and how they connect.”
- “AdKaddy was born out of this really simple frustration of the overabundance of marketing emails...consumers receive on a daily basis.”
- “We want to receive these communications in a way that’s convenient to us; a way that we can control the process.”
- “The personal inbox is absolutely the most valuable real estate that a marketer has.”
Blowing Up The Inbox: A New Email Approach That Converts And Builds Your Brand With Cameron Cegala From @AdKaddy
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Eric: I get a lot of email. I feel like I am constantly at war and at battle with my personal inbox. I’m getting messages from companies that I follow and messages that I want to get from brands, on deals, specials, and sales or whatever it might be. And I’m getting messages from companies, I don’t know how they got my information, so I’m unsubscribing them, clicking spam; I’m deleting everywhere. And then some in some personal messages from my Aunt Glo who wants to know what the plans are for Christmas this year. And it’s all in one place. It takes so much time and so much organization. It’s just maddening, to be honest with you. What if there was a way I could take control, we all could take control of our inboxes? Get that control back again and at the same time, brands and marketers would experience better open rates, more engagement, and a deeper connection and relationship with their subscribers and customers. Wouldn’t that be the good stuff? That is the topic of this episode of the Actionable Marketing Podcast. My guest is Cameron Cegala. She’s the co-founder and COO of AdKaddy, and she’s hoping to deliver just that. It is a brand new startup organization and they’re experiencing great growth, but they’re struggling with the same things that we’ve talked about in this series as we focus on makeshift marketing. As a startup, how does she determine what a company should focus on? How can she stay nimble and move? How does she keep her small organization organized, on focus, and on track? With so many shiny objects, how does she choose what’s going to be best for her with a small budget? It’s going to be a fun conversation. I know you’ll love it and learn lots from Cameron. She’s a great guest. My name is Eric Piela. I’m the host of the Actionable Marketing Podcast and the Brand and Buzz Manager here at CoSchedule. We’ll jump into all of this. It’s a fun episode. Buckle up because it is time to get AMP'ed. All right. Welcome to another action-packed episode of the Actionable Marketing Podcast. I have another fantastic guest. As I always try to do every week for you, I’m excited to introduce you to Cameron Cegala. She is the co-founder and COO of AdKaddy. Cameron, welcome to the show. Cameron: Thanks so much for having me, Eric. Eric: Absolutely. This is going to be a lot of fun. I’m excited to talk and learn a little bit about of course your product, and then also hear your experience. We’re talking to a lot of marketers who are winning and finding things that are really working for them in marketing, and then other marketers that are struggling in certain areas. So, any time we have these conversations, especially when I get to talk to founders, I think that got a really good perspective from a business standpoint and for a strategy standpoint. But sometimes—guilty—we as marketers can get really lasered in into our particular niche or our objective. Sometimes, we don’t step back and think about the overall goal and objective of the company. So, I really appreciate your perspective, Cameron. Cameron: Absolutely. Eric: If you could for us, let’s have our listeners get to know you a little bit. Talk to us about your career and how you ended up with AdKaddy. Cameron: Sure. My career has definitely been an interesting journey, I would say one that has taken many shifts and turns along the way. From a very young age, I thought I actually wanted to do something in the international relations or international business field, something that would really leverage my passion for Spanish language and culture. That, later on, evolved into me realizing that I was becoming more and more interested in marketing, specifically. I’m so interested in those larger international companies, but definitely that particular path, however, it ended up that I was offered an incredible job with Procter & Gamble straight out of college in their customer business development function or IE Sales [...]. They make it sound really great. So, I took that job out of college and spent about seven years of P&G in that client management function. Honestly, due to some mergers and acquisitions within the company, I ended up leaving and moving onto a smaller CPG company where that really is what launched me into more interest in entrepreneurship. I went from this really large-scale company where you’re hyper-focused on one silo to smaller CPG companies where I can really experience multi functions and own a lot more within the company. I worked for two smaller companies after P&G for a couple of years. To be fully transparent, I was at a point in my life where I was traveling like crazy and didn’t have a lot of balance between my personal and professional life. I took a step back and said, “Hey, I want things to look different,” and I have this really big passion for brands and for consumers and how they connect. I was approached for the opportunity to get together with my now-CEO and co-founder to create AdKaddy, which is what we started about a year-and-a-half ago.