[NEW FEATURE] Get Full Visibility Into Your Entire Email Marketing Strategy

- Seamlessly integrate with your *favorite* email marketing platform. You already have a kick-a$$ email platform you know and love, so why give it up? With Email Marketing, you can easily connect your preferred email platform to CoSchedule with just a couple clicks.
- Write click-worthy email subject lines...every time. With Email Marketing, you can use CoSchedule’s *exclusive* Email Subject Line Tester to optimize and perfect every subject line to drive more opens, more clicks, and more conversions.
- Get full visibility into your ENTIRE marketing strategy. Say “buh-bye” to disjointed marketing content (and constantly jumping from screen to screen). With Email Marketing, it’s easy to see how your email campaigns relate to the rest of your marketing strategy and quickly make adjustments if necessary.

Get Full Visibility Into Your Entire Email Marketing Strategy With @CoSchedule
Click To TweetSeamlessly Integrate With Your *Favorite* Email Marketing Platform
You already have a kick-a$$ email platform you know and love (and TBH you’ve already spent ours perfecting your strategy)…. ...so why give it up? With Email Marketing, you can easily connect your preferred email platform (MailChimp, Campaign Monitor, Constant Contact, OR ActiveCampaign) to CoSchedule with just a couple clicks!
When you connect your MailChimp account with CoSchedule, you can make real-time changes to your email campaigns (without jumping from screen to screen)! With the MailChimp integration, you can: Create email campaigns in MailChimp and they will populate in CoSchedule (and vice-versa!)…

Campaign Monitor, Constant Contact, And ActiveCampaign!
These integrations are read-only and all function the same (unlike MailChimp), so we’re gonna cover the functionality at the same time. With Campaign Monitor, Constant Contact, and ActiveCampaign: Every scheduled email will auto-magically populate in CoSchedule; giving you even greater visibility across all your marketing efforts…

Write Click-Worthy Email Subject Lines...Every Time
Do you ever find yourself spending hours on an email… Only to get a less-than-stellar open rate (and an even sadder CTR)? We’ve all been there. Which is why I’m gonna let you in on a little secret. Even if you spend 12 hours meticulously crafting the *perfect* email… If you don’t have a click-worthy subject line… Your prospects are NOT going to open that email. ? Why? Because subject lines drive open rates. Subject lines are the “secret sauce” in any successful email campaign. So if you’re gonna boost your open rates… You need to create POWERFUL, high-converting subject lines. With Email Marketing, you can use CoSchedule’s *exclusive* Email Subject Line Tester to optimize and perfect every subject line to drive more opens, more clicks, and more conversions.

Get Full Visibility Into Your ENTIRE Marketing Strategy
Managing an ENTIRE, cohesive marketing strategy means you’re responsible for content, social, events, email campaigns...and making sure everything works together (and that you’re not spamming your audience). So when you’re constantly jumping from screen to screen to track down every.moving.piece of your marketing strategy… You’re never getting a full, holistic view of your team’s planned content (and things can get hairy….fast). Luckily, with Email Marketing from CoSchedule… You can say “buh-bye” to disjointed marketing content (and constantly jumping from screen to screen) and easily see how your email campaigns relate to the rest of your marketing strategy and quickly make adjustments if necessary! So instead of your monitor looking like this….