The #1 Free Email Signature Generator
Achieve brand consistency and look professional with Hire Mia’s Free Email Signature Generator.

What Is An Email Signature Generator?
Hire Mia’s Email Signature Generator helps format a personalized email signature.
With just a few clicks, you can add a professional touch that reflects your brand and personality.
How To Use The Email Signature Generator?
You can create your personalized email signature in two simple steps:
Step 1) Fill in the prompt provided by the generator with key information you want to include in your signature.
Step 2) Click “Create My Signature” to generate your custom email signature.
How Does Hire Mia’s Email Signature Generator Work?
Hire Mia’s Email Signature Generator combines AI technology with your input to craft a signature that’s both unique and professional.
It will generate a custom email signature you can simply copy and paste into your email settings to provide your contact information consistently across every email you send.
Update Your Email Signature On Outlook, Apple Mail, & Gmail
Once you’ve generated your email signature, it’s time to update it Outlook, Apple Mail, Gmail, or your preferred email service.
Update Your Email Signature in Outlook
To update your email signature in Outlook:
- Open Outlook and click on ‘Settings’ at the top corner of the window.
- Go to ‘Mail’ from the left-hand menu.
- Click on the ‘Compose and Reply…’ button.
- In this tab, you can edit your existing signature or paste your tailored signature.
- Once you’re done, click ‘Save’ to save your changes.
For a detailed guide to changing your signature on Outlook, check out this blog!
Update Your Email Signature In Apple Mail
For Apple Mail users:
- Open the Mail app and click on ‘Mail’ in the menu bar.
- Select ‘Settings’ and then go to the ‘Signatures’ tab.
- Choose the email account you want to create a signature for, and then click on the ‘+’ button to add your new signature or select an existing one to edit.
- Paste the signature in the text box and close the Preferences window to save your changes.
Dive into this guide for step-by-step guidance on changing your signature in Apple Mail.
Update Your Email Signature In Gmail
To change your email signature in Gmail:
- Sign in to your Gmail account and click on the gear icon in the upper right corner to open ‘Settings’.
- Scroll down to the ‘Signature’ section in the ‘General’ tab.
- Paste your custom signature in the text box provided or create a new one.
- Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click ‘Save Changes’.
Explore this support doc for detailed instructions and how-to video on updating your signature in Gmail!
Tips To Write Click-Worthy Email Signatures
Not sure what to include in your email signature? Here are a few ideas, best practices, & tips:
- Use A Readable Font: Choose a clean, sans-serif font like Arial or Helvetica for easy reading across all devices. A legible font ensures your information is accessible to everyone.
- Include All Essential Information: Limit your signature to your name, position, company, and preferred contact method. This keeps your signature uncluttered and to the point, respecting the recipient’s time and attention.
- Encourage Engagement With Social Media Handles: Include social media icons linked to your professional profiles. This encourages networking and provides additional avenues for connection.
- Add Important Legal Disclaimers: If required, add a short legal disclaimer or confidentiality notice. This protects your communications and provides necessary legal coverage.
- Run A Compatibility Check: Test how your signature appears in various email clients. Ensuring compatibility means your signature will always look its best, no matter how it’s viewed.
- Include A Call-to-Action: A subtle CTA, like inviting recipients to subscribe to a newsletter, can be a powerful tool for engagement.
Examples of Effective Email Signatures
Here are a few examples of effective email signatures and insights into what makes them successful:
Embrace Simplicity
Use your name, title, and contact info for a clear, readable signature. Its simplicity ensures the focus stays on your message.
Incorporate Branding
Add your company’s logo and branding to leave a memorable impression. A branded signature effectively reinforces your company’s identity with every email you send.
Showcase Your Expertise
Feature your qualifications or awards to establish authority. An expertise-driven signature garners credibility and trust, ideal for professionals seeking to highlight their achievements.
Drive Action
Include a call to action, like a booking link or portfolio, to engage and convert. A CTA signature proactively invites recipients to interact with your content.
Personalize With Images
Personalize emails with a professional headshot to be more relatable. Image signatures add a personal touch to your professional image, making you memorable.