How To Build Influence + Position Your Brand As A Thought Leader With John Hall From Influence & Co [AMP 041]

- How John got started with Influence & Co., how the company helps other businesses, and why they developed the technology needed for content creation and distribution.
- What inspired John to write his book, Top of Mind: Use Content to Unleash Your Influence and Engage Those Who Matter to You.
- Tips on building influence for those who want to use their influence to write and publish a book, as well as the first steps to take when writing a book.
- How a marketer can find a great idea to pitch to an influential publication.
- Some tactics John has used to build influence and position himself as an authority.
- Ideas on measuring intangibles like brand awareness, thought leadership, and influence with both qualitative and quantitative measurements.
- John’s best advice for someone looking to position themselves as an authority or an influencer.
- “It’s more important to build trust with specific audiences than just selling to them all the time.”
- “So many people get published somewhere and they’re like, “Great, I got published,” [but] if you don’t do things to leverage a content, the chances are less that you’re going to perform.”
- “You got to just start writing, getting content out there and being thoughtful about it.”
How To Build Influence + Position Your Brand As A Thought Leader With John Hall From @InfluenceandCo
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