How To Create Effective Visual Content With Ashton Hauff from CoSchedule [AMP 032]

- How Ashton got into design and why she loves it.
- Why digital design is such an important part of the marketing process, as well as why some types of design just add visual clutter and are ineffective.
- How Ashton makes sure that her designs are intentional and relevant to the blog posts or projects she’s working on. She also talks about how she goes about storytelling through her designs.
- Tips on finding a theme and settling on colors for a particular project.
- Why communication is an integral part of the design process.
- Some of the problems that designers can encounter when they’re working with marketing teams.
- Why it’s so important that a marketing team trust the designer’s expertise.
- How marketers can work with designers when there’s something they don’t like in the image.
- Why simplicity matters for high-quality designs, as well as why simple designs can be challenging to create.
- Why agility is important, as well as how much Ashton creates over the course of a week.
- Examples of times when things just went wrong with Ashton’s design process, including what ended up being the problem and lessons she learned.
- Ashton’s vision of the future of design in marketing, as well as her advice for people just getting started in design.
- “Design is such a huge part of marketing because we’re such a visually led society.”
- “You have to know what story you’re telling before you jump into design.”
- “You have to trust that your designer knows what they’re doing. There are a lot of elements to design that the everyday person doesn’t notice.... We see all of the different layers that make that piece what it is.”
- “Over-communicate early on. Don’t be afraid to ask questions.”
How To Create Effective Visual Content With Ashton Hauff from CoSchedule
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