How To Grow From 0 to 1 Million Customers With Noah Kagan From SumoMe and OkDork [AMP 056]

- How Noah handles the marketing at and what has the most potential.
- How Noah ended up at Mint, where he helped grow the company from zero to over a million users.
- Why Noah doesn’t believe in hope in the business world.
- The process Noah used to put his plan together, come up with ideas, figure out how much traffic he had, and more.
- Common mistakes that Noah sees other people making.
- Why copying methods you see described on other people’s blog posts doesn’t work.
- The greatest piece of marketing advice Noah has received.
- “I believe in hope in fantasy and fairytales in the real world or in the non-business world, but in business, no.”
- “If you're not making mistakes, you're probably not experimenting enough.”
- “At the end of the day, it really just comes down to you got to do it yourself... go and experiment yourself, go and promote something.”
How To Grow From 0 to 1 Million Customers With Noah Kagan From @SumoMe and OkDork
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