Online Reputation Marketing: 7 Solid Tips for Social Media

Online Reputation Marketing: 7 Solid Tips for Social Media
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This bundle includes two resources to help you manage your brand's perception on social media effectively:- Social Media Crisis Plan Template: Know what to do and say before a crisis happens.
- Negative Comment Response Templates: Fill-in-the-blank templates to help you craft effective messaging that turns negative comments into opportunities to build trust.
What is Online Reputation Marketing?
Online reputation marketing refers to the strategy and tactics related to presenting your brand in the best possible light at all times. It involves promoting positive brand messaging, managing negative criticism responsibly, and more. This video explains in more detail:1. Assign a Dedicated Person to Social Media
You may be surprised to learn that there are still many companies on social media who don’t assign a dedicated person to monitor activity.

- Tags
- Comments
- Messages
- Uploading content
- Reviews
- Dissatisfaction
- Complements
- Listening to customers
- Analytics
2. Give Authority to the Right Person
Many brands may put a dedicated person in charge of social media but neglect to give them the authority to take action, where necessary, to turn negative situations into positive ones. Instead, many customer-facing employees are too afraid to make decisions that may earn them a stern rap on the knuckles or a loss of their job.The person whose job it is to interact with customers or build positive publics relations, needs to feel empowered and confident enough to make decisions which won't result in negative consequences.
Click To Tweet3. Equip Team Members With the Right Skills
Anyone in your staff complement who deals with customers, needs to be equipped with the right skills, like:- Interpersonal skills in the written word (the tone of voice used in responses, how to respond to positive as well as negative comments, and using wisdom when dealing with people digitally, especially because they can’t hear your tone of voice or pick up non-verbal clues on facial gestures).
- Dealing with angry customers (depending on your industry, you may do well hiring someone trained in counseling for this role).
- Handling negativity and knowing how to deal with each scenario.

4. Build an Online Reputation Marketing Strategy
Not online reputation marketing strategy will work if the foundation is not in place; it is vital to first understand your target audience. And if you’re just starting out with social media marketing, it should be knowledge around your target audience which drives the decision as to which channels to focus on. Build a social media strategy that’s based on the company vision and goals.Build a social media strategy that's based on the company vision and goals.
Click To Tweet- The main messages you wish to convey, and which platforms will be most effective for each type of content. Bear in mind that your content should not be the same on all channels, because each platform is used for different purposes. For example, Twitter is used more for announcements while Facebook for entertainment and to keep in touch with friends and family. Your content has to fit into the goals of each channel because this impacts results.
- When to post which content. You may want to include seasonal and special days content which needs to be planned in advance. Also consider the best day and times to post.
- Consistency is key, so decide on a realistic amount of content per week based on how many times you are going to be posting. Also check how much content should be added for each channel. For instance, because Twitter is so fast paced, your best bet is to upload content up to 15 times a day, but do that on Facebook where your goal should be to post a maximum of twice a day, and you’re likely to get unfollowed at a rapid pace.
5. Educate Key Players About Online Reputation
Not only may your prospective clients look for what others are saying about your company brand online, but the higher the price range of your product or service means they’re likely to check out key players in your company too, because 76% of people trust what “normal” people are saying about a brand rather than what the brand is saying about the brand.76% of people trust what normal people are saying about a brand rather than what the brand is saying about the brand.
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6. Ask Satisfied Clients for Recommendations
Your satisfied customers will hardly ever take the initiative to look for a way to recommend your services.
Ask satisfied clients to recommend your business, and make it easy for them to do so.
Click To Tweet7. Implement Standards
Everyone has their own perception of how social media should be managed, so to keep things consistent, it is strongly recommended that you implement social media standards, so that everyone in the company is on the same page. Your standards should cover elements like:- Who should approve social media posts before they’re uploaded?
- Which social media tools should be used?
- What are the rules regarding images and copyrights?
- What is allowed and what’s not?
- How should links be included?
- What other brands should be followed, and which ones should not?
- Must logos be included in images and what size should they be?
- What content is acceptable to be liked or commented on?
- How long should it take for the brand representative to respond to a message or comment?

It's Time to Put Together Your Online Reputation Marketing Plan
Your digital reputation is everything, influencing business results not only in the digital sphere, but impacting the offline space as well, both either working together for or against your brand:- Don't leave your social media platforms unattended. Be sure to monitor them.
- Give decision-making power to the person you put in charge of social media.
- Train your people in PR and customer service so that they know how to deal with negative situations.
- Don't post willy-nilly, but rather plan and strategize your content around the vision of your company.
- Teach employees how to conduct themselves professionally on social media, because their behaviour may impact your online reputation.
- Build positive feedback as far as possible, making sure you ask satisfied customers for recommendations.
- Implement social media standards to that everyone's on the same page.